Promoting cyberthreat awareness and providing quality cybersecurity education.


Cybersecure It supplies free, accessible cybersecurity curriculums to all users, addressing topics such as threat awareness, cyber-protection, cryptography, and more.


We offer free workshops and seminars— virtually and in-person— to provide a live, dynamic experience for cybersecurity education.


Our blog strives to spread awareness about cybersecurity current events, additional tips, and more related information to create a cyber-aware community.


users reached


countries & US states impacted


workshops conducted

“95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error.”


Cybersecurity is a growing issue that we must address— now.

4,100+ publicly-disclosed 2022 data breaches. 22 billion consumer records exposed in the past year. $6 trillion worth of damage done by cybercriminals. At Cybersecure It, we’ve made it our mission to educate citizens about the cyber vulnerabilities of our world and how to implement data protection strategies into their daily lives, because cybersecurity begins on the individual level.

Begin Learning

Learn more about who we are

Explore the details of what Cybersecure It does, our organization’s mission statement, our core focuses, and additional resources relating to cybersecurity.


Dive into our free, quality, and informational courses

Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of cyber-protection, state of cyberthreats around the world, and how to take actionable steps to become cybersecure through our curriculums.


Experience up-close, live sessions

Schedule a seminar with us via online video conferencing or in-person at a venue. Our workshops teach classrooms and community groups Cybersecure It curriculums while incorporating interactive activities.


Read our stories and articles

Discover our blog, where we post about the latest cybersecurity news, spotlight important figures in the field, and inform individuals about more cyber-protection tips.


Meet the founder, Tiffany Tu.

Tiffany started Cybersecure It with the goal of spreading cybersecurity education to vulnerable groups and the youth. She has seen the effects that cyber vulnerabilities have on disadvantaged populations, and hopes to expand knowledge of self-cyber protection to all and empower the next generation of cybersecure communities by providing accessible cybersecurity curriculums, right here on

Learn More | Tiffany’s LinkedIn

Let’s stay in touch.