
Helpful vocabulary and links to cybersecurity-focused organizations, websites, and more.


  • Anti-virus software: a computer program that detects harmful and unwanted software.

  • Availability: networks, systems, and applications are up and running to authorized users whenever they hope to use them.

  • CIA Triad: CIA stands for confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which are the principles used to guide how we protect data and access critical services.

  • Confidentiality: ensures only authorized users have access to data.

  • Cybersecurity: the practice of protecting data, computers, systems, and networks from digital threats.

  • Data breach: an incident where information is taken without permission.

  • Encryption: the method used to protect or hide secret messages. Encryption scrambles up the data in a way that makes it unreadable.

  • Identity theft: when a person uses someone else's personal information without their permission.

  • Integrity: ensures that data can be trusted and has not been tampered with.

  • Malicious actor: an individual or a group of people whose goal is to harm others in some way.

  • Malware: malicious software meant to take data and/or harm data.

  • NIST Framework: a framework used by cybersecurity professionals for guidelines and best practices to manage cybersecurity risk.

  • Physical vulnerability: a weakness in the physical world such as exposed devices and access to private spaces.

  • Ransomware: a program that locks information on a computer or device that demands payment to retrieve the information back.

  • Scrape data: process where a computer program extracts data from a website.

  • Social engineering: one person manipulating another person to give up information.

  • Technical vulnerability: a weakness in the computer network or system.

  • Two Factor Authentication: a process which requires two setups to verify a user. For example, a website might require users to login using your password and a code sent to your phone.

  • Vulnerabilities: a weakness that can be taken advantage of by others.