Cybersecure It Partners with the National CAE-C’s RING Program

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Cybersecure It is elated to announce that we have officially partnered with RING!

RING (Regions Investing in the Next Generation) is an online high school cybersecurity course that offers interesting and engaging content specifically for students and schools without an existing cybersecurity program. RING aims to mentor students down their career path, and students can achieve high school credit for RING in participating states.

RING is a K-12 Pathway initiative of the Center for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity, founded by the National Security Agency. Today, the NCAE-C program has over 400 institutions all over the United States with designations in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), Cyber Research (CAE-R), and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO). Universities around the nation serve as partner institutions of the RING program.

You can learn more about RING here:

RING students will be informed about the resources and courses that Cybersecure It offers to provide more opportunities to learn and engage within their communities through a cybersecurity lens.

Written By: Tiffany Tu


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